Valoració de l'any:
- Carnet de conduir i tots els problemes per rebre el provisional
- Treballs de 1r de carrera (clipping, mapa de públics, informe McBride... )
- El termo de cafè per màrqueting!!
- Pomes per esmorzar
- Examens finals. Tots aprovats! :D
- Retrobada amb gent de parvulari!!
- Toni Mog i el seu monòleg "Facemog" (like)
- Inici amb macintosh!
- Kylie Minogue i Rihanna en concert
- Inici de 2n de carrera
- Nou Treball!!!
- ... i 51.000 coses més
12 grans de raïm per a que aquest nou any sigui al menys igual, sinó millor.
Demà tornem a la tradicional entrada: la fruita de la sort, el brindis i els propòsits i dessitjos d'any nou.
Molt bona sortida i entrada d'any
Fins aviat
Another year is over! How time flies. And thinking that 2 days ago we were on summer holidays, just sunbathing, and now we're about to restart classes after Christmas.
Valuation of the year:
Tomorrow we'll return to the traditional entrance: the lucky fruit, the toast and the purposes and desires for the new year.
Very good exit and entry of the year
See you soon
Valuation of the year:
- Driving license and all the problems to receive the provisional license
- 1st collage work (clipping, map public report McBride ...)
- The coffee for marketing!
- Apples for lunch
- Final exams. All passed! :D
- Meeting people from kindergarten!
- Toni Mog and his monologue "Facemog" ( like)
- Starting with macintosh!
- Kylie Minogue and Rihanna in concert
- Start 2n of collage
- New Job!
- ... and 51,000 things
Tomorrow we'll return to the traditional entrance: the lucky fruit, the toast and the purposes and desires for the new year.
Very good exit and entry of the year
See you soon