
martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012

Yay! I'm back!

Life is tricky. How can it be that small?  Sorry, I’ll be more concrete. 

I’ve been really busy for a couple of months, and I’m not done yet, and for that reason, this blog has been unfairly abandoned.  
Today, once again I’ve remembered at class that a blog is a daily thing, or at least it should be. 
This time, although, the situation has been different. We were talking about different types of new advertising, such as street marketing or blogs themselves, and that’s were I saw what a blog ought to be: 
  • A blog is some kind of journey to what it is published, in other words, it should be specialised and actualised frequent.
  • Entries usually are focused to generate discus about related topics with interesting areas.
  • Blogs are tools to do community, as it becomes a reference to its followers and can be a good way to advertise. 

As far as it can be true or not, what I’m concerned now is that I AM SORRY for not keeping it updated as often as I should if I’d like to keep this blog alive. 

So, as a way of rescue my old sharing-interesting-webs style, I’d like to mention It’s a web to share your OOTD (outfit of the day). It is really useful if you like fashion. And it also has its own iPhone App to see and upload your OOTD. 
You can find interesting things to use as a gift! 

I hope I can be able to find more worth to sharing sites to you people. 

Wish me luck, because just after Christmas I begin finals

See you soon,


jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012


Hey everyone! It’s been a long time since my last post, and I am very sorry. This summer has been tough. Life is hard nowadays, and working is not an option but an obligation. 

But today I don’t want to complain about the economy, I want to share with you what’s up to H&M and MANGO today.

If you are in Barcelona today, H&M opens its doors at Portal del Ángel Street to sell Anna Dello Russo’s accessories collection! But if we remember previous collections made by Lanvin or Versace, be able to buy anything after 11 am is nearly impossible because of the huge cues made on early hours in the morning. They open at 10, but people planned to be there by 4-5 am!! I love the items although their prices I’d like to buy some extravagant googles and shoes, but I’m unable at those hours.

For those who are more night lovers, Mango is doing Shopping Night!!  Today starting at 19 h. They offer a 20% off including MAC make up! So, in case you’d like to assist, go to to get your invitation. Maybe we see each other there!

I hope I’ll be able to upload entries more often. In case I end up buying anything today at mango I will share it with you.

Have fun, enjoy the day and see you soon


martes, 12 de junio de 2012

La mirada: un arma de seducción

Todos hemos oído que el amor es como la guerra: “todo se vale”. Por eso hay que ir siempre preparado para la batalla. Hoy, os quiero hablar de: “la mirada como un arma de seducción.

A través de la mirada, se puede transmitir cualquier sentimiento, es más, por desgracia, en algunos casos es un arma de doble filo, ya que sin querer podemos mostrar algo que realmente queremos ocultar como el miedo, la sorpresa, la atracción...
La manera de abrir los ojos, ligeros movimientos de cejas y la dilatación de las pupilas son algunos causantes de estas derrotas.

Por lo que hace el primer contacto visual, diríamos que es determinante, y una de las cosas que más importa. Solo se puede dar una primera impresión, ¿Verdad? Por ese motivo, hay que cuidar la mirada y, con un maquillaje acorde con nuestra fisonomía podemos llegar a resaltar los ojos, dándoles una apariencia más penetrante y desafiante.

Una vez encontramos el objetivo, esa persona que nos parece interesante a primeras, se trata de cruzar las miradas. En otras palabras, hacer que coincidan. Por eso, hay que intentar transmitir felicidad y optimismo, ya que ese tipo de sentimientos serás más atractivos que no unos ojos tristes y caídos.

Pero lo que de verdad, de verdad hace que funcione es el tiempo. No la experiencia, sino la durada de la mirada. Que dos miradas desconocidas se crucen así porque sí no da pié a nada si no se mantiene ese “encuentro”. Para que el mensaje sea claro y efectivo debe mantenerse el contacto visual durante 3-4 segundos, si no pasaremos sin más.

Eso sí, ese momento no es para devorar, sino para seducir. Hay que ser coqueto, ya que ir muy directo puede a veces conseguir un efecto contrario, llegando a asustar a esa persona. Y no es lo que estamos buscando.

Para ayudarnos y ayudar al otro a entender nuestras intenciones, no hay nada mejor que acompañar la mirada con una sonrisa. Así reafirmamos que estamos mirándole y que existe atracción por nuestra parte. Y de este modo, podemos dar pie a que surja todo lo demás.

Finalmente me gustaría acabar con una cita del Príncipe Maquiavelo, quien dijo que “en general, los hombres juzgan más por los ojos que no por la inteligencia, pues todos pueden ver, pero pocos comprenden lo que ven”.

Con lo que quiero decir que, aunque una persona os conquiste con la mirada, no os quedéis ahí. Interesaos por conocer que la hace especial.

Así que ánimos a todos los que lo intentéis, ya me diréis si os ha ido bien.

miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Fix your broken pressed powder!

It's been a while since my last post, but exams are here and I ran out of time to look for something really worth to share.

Today I've found an amazing trick to recover your shadows or any other kind of powder make up!

I couldn't believe it when I saw it, but it's simple and really works.  

You only need alcohol and a clean brush! What you have to do is mix the alcohol with the broken pressed powder and await until the powder is soft so you can blend those together. And you're done! You just have to wait until it's completely dry to use your make up again. But be aware that it will not be as  compact as it was.

(Image and tuttorial are from here)

I hope you like it. Leave a comment below and tell me if you have any trick on how to fix and enlarge your make up life.

See you soon, 


miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

Spring day!

Hello everyone!

Before saying anything else, thanks to all the people that help this blog to reach the 1,000 visits! You made my day!
I never thought this could go that far, being another blog on the enormous Internet.

Today I’m not writing nowhere else but from a park! The sun is shinning although the wind that blows every 2 minutes. And it’s quite interesting watching the people pasing by. It looks like a nonstopping runway of differents styles and faces.

Bussines men and women, younth back from school, mothers with strollers, boys and girls wearing the lastest fashion, lovely couples, and of course, nothing would be completed without the turists and their cameras!

Oooh! And look! Runners! How brave they are! I wouldn’t be able to run at midday when the sun is that hot.

Getting into the day, within less than 2 weeks, we’ll be celebrating Sant George (Sant Jordi). Books and roses will be sold to demonstrate your love to your beloved one.  And for my surprise, i do not see any sing on libraries or shops to promote it. People doesn’t seem to be sighted for those things.

I maybe get inspiration to write some poetry or short novel. I think old poets did that on spring, watching flowers growing, the birds singing and butterflies flirting everywhere around, didn’t they?

Sorry for the long post, but today I feel like writing and nothing on Internet was interesting enough to share with you guys.

I hope, in case I’m not able to make any new post by the time Sant Jordi is here, you spend a nice time with your loved ones.

If you have any suggestion of a book you’ve read that you like to share,  or you like to share your spring feelings, don’t be afraid and leave a comment below, I’d love to read them.

See you soon,


viernes, 6 de abril de 2012

Easter eggs!


I thing it's been just a few days since my last post, and maybe because it's holidays and I see cakes and chocolates everywhere and I like to share with you those recipes.

Today cake is a well known but with a different appearance. I mean brownies, but perfect for easter, because of the shape! If you usually like to paint eggs for childrends, and after these days, throw them away, maybe you can use those instead to contain the dessert. And with a little patience, also, paint them.

The recipe is in both in spanish and english in a webpage called La receta de la felicidad , where you can find how to prepare those tiny cute things.

I hope you like it, and leave a comment below and tell me what do you usually do for easter. Not only to eat but for the childrens of the family. 

Have fun and enjoy the rest of the holidays.

See you soon, 


miércoles, 4 de abril de 2012

Changing eggs for macarons!

Hi everyone! It's been a while since my last post, and I am sorry. The nice weather and the good company are the ones to blame. 

Today I want to share with you something sweet and according to the easter holidays. 

Although you may know already, in some McDonald's there's an area dedicated to coffee and bakery.  For some reason I don't know why, a few months ago, after having a meal on that restaurant, on my way out I saw a picture of one of the most famous French desserts, and no, I did not see a croissant, but a Macaron!! I couldn't believe they were selling those in there! 

That colourful mini-cake is, a part of adorable and sort of expensive sweet for its size (about 0,90-1€ each), one of the most sweetest and delicious thing you can ever eat. And as always, those things become even more tasty accompanied with a good cappuccino and, obviously with a great company. 


Usually, the color matches its favour, so you can find infinity of varieties. Chocolate, strawberry, berry, pistachio, orange, lemon... and a way long list. 

I know that with easter came decorated eggs, really colourful eggs, but what about doing something with those instead?

I would like to share with you all a webpage of cooking lessons, but made easily. It's called SORTED, where some guys cook in a easy way something that really stands out. 

So if you want to know how you can do bake your own macarons, feel free to click on the image of my experience. 

Don't forget to subscribe/follow and leave a comment below and if you try to cook those, tell me how it went. 

See you soon, 


jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Spring Look

Hola de nou! 

Després de aquests dies de solet i calor que semblava primavera, ara s'envà i diuen que potser aquest cap de setmana plou. Quina llàstima, quan podem gaudir del temps aquest no vol gaudir de nosaltres. Però què hi farem. Estem a pocs dies ja de l'entrada, de veritat, de la primavera. 

El próxim 20 de març, i ben aviat! A les 5:14h hora espanyola! Seria interessant com saben que és a les 5:14 i no un minut després.

Avui m'agradaria compartir amb vosaltres una pàgina web per a totes aquelles que els hi va bé de tant en quant una mica d'inspiració per vestir. Es diu DailyLook i cada dia actualitzen amb un outfit diferent, i que venen! Però a la vegada, cada dia que entres, obtens punts, aixì com per compartir o comprar qualsevol cosa. Feu click al link i subscriu't-hi, no et costa res. A la que portes 2000 punts, et donen 20$ per gastar en la pròpia botiga online, no crec que estigui tant malament no?

Jo ara per ara estic fent guardiola i no he comprat res, encara que tinc molta tentació. La roba no és gens cara i m'encanten les sabates i bluses que escolleixen.

Espero que tingueu una molt bona entrada a la primavera i us agradin les suggerencies de la pàgina web, que aquest temps és complicadet.

No us oblideu de seguir el blog i fer qualsevol comentari per dir-me que us sembla o si voleu que comparteixi alguna cosa amb vosaltres.

Fins aviat


Hello again!

After all these days of sunshine  that seemed to be spring time, now they're leaving and it's said that maybe this weekend rains. Too bad, when we can enjoy the weather, it isn't going to enjoy ourselves. But whatever. 

We are just a few days to entry spring.The next  March 20th, at 5:14 pm Spanish time! It would be interesting how do they know it is at 5:14 and not a minute later?

Today I would like to share with you a website for all those that may want some inspiration to dress. It's called DailyLook and they update every day with a different outfit, and they sell it! But meanwhile, every day you log in, you get points, and so when you share or buy anything. Just click the link and subscribe, it will costs you nothing. As soon as you get 2000 points, you'll get $ 20 to spend on the online shop, don't you think it's a good idea?

I'm trying to save some money and I haven't bought anything yet, although I have a lot of temptation. The clothes are not expensive and I love the shoes and blouses they sell.

I hope you have a very nice entry to the spring and like the suggestions of the website, to know what to wear in this complicated time.

Do not forget to follow the blog and comment to tell me that you think or if you want  me to share something with you.

See you soon


miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

Spring and Newspapers

Hola, ho se i ho sento. No tinc excusa per no haver escrit des de fa tant de temps.

Ja estem en març, i es nota com s’acosta la primavera. El dia és més llarg, es fa fosc molt més tard i el sol, què dir d’aquest solet tant bo i agradable que comença a calentar.

La primavera comença a saludar els dies i això ens permet deixar enrere aquelles jaquetes gruixudes i incomodes, els Guants i les bufandes que ens amaguen i sobre tot, podem gaudir del paisatge sense acabar perdent la sensibilitat en les mans i peus.

Avui només volia compartir amb vosaltres una pàgina web per poder llegir sense cap cost, revistes del mes anterior i diaris que en alguns casos fins i tot el del mateix dia, anomenada  Youkioske. El problema que hi trobo es que no et permert descarregar-te els arxius, però es poden veure perfectament en pantalla completa.

Espero que us agradi. 
Si voleu qualsevol cosa o simplement voleu donar la vostra opinió, comenteu :)

Fins aviat, 


Hello, I know and I'm sorry. I have no excuse for not have wrote anything since so long.

We're in March, and it shows how spring approaches. Days are longer, it gets dark much later and it's sunny,what about this warm and lovely sun?

Spring begins to salute us and this allows us to leave behind those thick and uncomfortable 
jackets, the gloves and scarves and we especially can be outside enjoying the sightseeing without ending with our feet and fingers cold.

Today I just want to share with you a website to read free magazines of the previous month and newspapers in some cases even from the same day, it's called YoukioskeThe problem I find it's the impossibility to youdownload the files, but you can see perfectly in full screen. So, it's not a real big deal.

I hope you like.

If you want anything or just want to give your opinion, just comment in the section below :)

See you soon,


sábado, 25 de febrero de 2012

The world of Cupcakes

Hola de nou!

Avui m'agradaria compartir amb vosaltres el món dels postres, i més concretament els Cupcakes. 
Recentment estan tenint un boom de popularitat i ho entenc. Estan boníssims, i tenen una presentació completament acorde amb el sabor.

Ahir em vaig passar a provar les "Red Velvet", les havia vist per molts llocs, però mai m'havia decidit a provar-les, sempre acabava anant a les bàsiques de xocolata. I quin error no haver-les testat abans! 
D'un color vermell intens i amb el frosting color blanc-crema, eren un plaer amb cada mossegada! Però realment, i com amb qualsevol àpat, millora amb la bona companyia que tenia.

Us deixo un blog on podeu trobar receptes diverses d'aquests postres tan colorits per si us decidiu fer-los a casa. Hi ha infinitat de blogs i altres pàgines on hi podeu trobar encara més varietat de sabors i combinacions, però les d'Oreo han d'estar també exquisides.

Hello again!

Today I would like to share with you the world of dessertsand more specifically the Cupcakes.
Recently those are having a boom of popularity. They taste really good, and are completely well decorated according to the flavor.

Yesterday I went to try the "Red Velvet" one, as I had seen them in many places, but I never decided to try themI always ended up buying the basic chocolate ones. And what an error was not test that before!
A bright red with white frosting, were a delight with every biteBut really, and as with any food, good company improves the taste of everything.

I leave a blog where you can find recipes for various desserts such colorfull if you decide to bake themThere are plenty of blogs and other pages where you can find even more variety of flavors and combinations, but Oreo should also be delicious, don't you think?
You will find the link on the picture if you are interested.

I hope you like it, and see you soon.
